lately in photos
It is time for an update on all things Texas!
We’ve been here for 7 weeks and so far it feels like a blur! lol! Each day has been full and busy with getting unpacked and trying to entertain the kids! We’ve also thrown in dentist and doctor appointments, touring multiple ballet studios, VBS and celebrating birthdays!
Never a dull moment over here!
It’s been tempting to want to blog and write and create a bunch of content but I honestly feel that the absolute best use of my time right now is away from electronics and with my family.
This season has been allll about getting everyone settled and creating a space that is suitable to bring a brand new infant home to, oh and having a lot of fun in our new state too!
So, rather than spend time right now writing a bunch, I’ll just give you as many photos as I can and bring you along in this little journey of ours! I hope you’re ready for pic overload!!
THE HOUSE: Remember when I told you guys I really had hoped for a window over my kitchen sink?? ahhhh!!! I love doing dishes now! Well…..not so much the dishes as I do making pretty flower creations after the dishes are done!!!
Master Bedroom:
Kate’s room: A literal dream come true for our sweet girl! WE PAINTED HER ROOM PINK!!! She picked a really subtle pink and we will plan to also add some wallpaper and that canopy over her bed…I’ll of course post progress pics as we go!
Living room:
Dining room:
These are all of the furniture pieces that do not fit in the new home…we need to sell them! Otherwise we do not have a dining room!!! hahaha!
Technically this table is in the living room right now while we wait to sell those other huge furniture pieces…definitely not the permanent plan, but it works for now.
Everything is an absolute mess right now!!! But check out how many boxes we’ve been through already!
KIDS: They’ve been helping me paint!
Someone found the costume box!
We have picnics in our backyard each day we swim. They don’t stop for long! Even to eat!
VBS at our new church! (That’s daddy in the knight costume!)
River rafting!
Visiting friends in Dallas this past weekend!
Back yard fun:
Build A Bear:
Free time:
We are absolutely loving our backyard!!! That’s going to be our chicken coop way back there on the right! Can’t wait until spring to clean it out and get some new little chicks in there!
And every single day we have these deer come say hello! We all LOVE seeing them!
That’s all I’ve got for now!
I’ll update you on all things baby later this week!