The Princess Turns Double Digits
Our little princess has just turned 10! I can hardly believe it! People used to always tell me that I should enjoy these little years because the time just flies by…and they were exactly right! I love to watch her grow but it is unbelievably hard too…I just want to bottle up as many of these moments as I possibly can.
Kate wanted breakfast in her bed for her big day…and of course, I was happy to make her little request happen. I made her Kodiak Cake protein pancakes…which the whole family loves…and if you happen to need another idea for eating clean that is a great one for the whole family. (I get mine as Costco because they come in a huge box!)
We sat and laughed while she ate and talked about memories from her growing up. I told her again of the story of the day she was born and how delivering her was the absolute worst and absolute best moment of my life. 🙂 We admired our matching pedicures and sang some T. Swift together.
Later that night she went out on her annual birthday date with her daddy. I was watching two more kiddos that weekend and would have loved the extra hands around the house, but I just couldn’t stand the thought of having them miss their date. I sarcastically told her before she left that she could only “borrow” my man and she looked right at me, winked and said “mom, he’s my man too!” Lol! Funny girl! She’s right tho! And for a split second she looked 16 not 10! Gah….make it stop!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Princess! You’re my all time favorite girl ever!