the fourth | meg marie wallace | lifestyle blog | 2017

best of the 4th

We started the day off at our neighborhood parade. The kids can either choose to ride their bikes or scooters in the parade or sit and watch everyone else. Mine love to sit on the side because that means they can collect the candy the other kids are tossing to the crowd. 🙂 After the…

easter 2017 | meg marie wallace
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easter 2017

[vc_row][vc_column][vcfastgallery_mosaic fg_gallery_name_show=”true” fgm_layout=”fg_layout3″ fg_type=”lightgallery” fgm_height=”500″ fgm_allow=”true” fg_responsive=”fg_mosaic” fg_over_image=”fg_over_image_off” fg_main_color=”#ffffff” fg_secondary_color=”#ffffff” fg_spacing_active=”on” fgm_padding=”10″ fg_gallery_name_font_color=”#c47923″ fgm_image_lightbox_size=”large” fg_seo=”on” fg_gallery_name=”Easter 2017″ images=”7848,7862,7849,7855,7867,7874,7871,7876,7882,7850,7884,7914,7905,7911,7918,7921,7937,7952,7948,7994,8002,7995,8001,7999,7996,7998,8000″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#b7884b”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A few days before Easter I and I kids got together with some friends to dye eggs in the park together. Crew hadn’t been feeling well so he stayed back to take a nap while Matt…

Tulip Festival
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Tulip Festival

        DRESS: Cotton On (sold out) similar HERE, HERE, HERE or HERE //  BOOTS: similar HERE, HERE, or HERE  // SUNGLASSES:  similar HERE or HERE  // There’s just something I feel is magical about the country and I just never can get enough of it. The tulip festival today was absolutely breathtaking and I wish I could go back again tomorrow…and the next day…and the next…. Whenever we are…