Petting Zoo
Last weekend we got to go to this petting zoo called Zoomars here in SoCal. We had been one other time but it was awhile ago. However the kids never forgot! (If you are local you must take your kids here and I PROMISE no one is paying me to say that!) Mine have been begging to go back. It’s not all that expensive, but when you multiply it by 7 those small numbers suddenly become large numbers. So we waited until we found a Groupon and surprised the kids. They were over the top excited about it!
We had the best time! We were there for hours and hours and it was still like ripping off a bandaid to get them to leave!
I think we need a dog. They need something to cuddle.
They each just adored holding them and feeding them and even though there were plenty of other things to do and see they just did not want to leave the guinea pig pen! (I love how in some of the pics you can see how zoned out they look.)
Such sweet memories! Until it got too hot and we were out of water and the toddler went into “I haven’t had a nap” mode…and then it wasn’t quite as fun…but still…I love my family! 🙂
Fun times! I think getting a dog is great idea :).
We are renting a house right now and they don’t allow pets….but we plan to move soon so we will have to find a place that does because I agree!!!!