The Needle, Pikes Place…and the Break-in…
This new park is by the famous Needle. It’s got climbing ropes that lead up to a super high slide…there’s so many places to crawl and climb and….fall. The kids had a blast, but I honestly think that might have been the closest I’ve ever come to having a panic attack! The weather was SO nice which meant everyone and their grandma was out that day. This playground reminded me of a bee hive….only with kids swarming! Thankfully no one fell and all had a great time. After the park we went to Pikes Place….
A man on the side of the street was playing and singing for money and he handed Canon the tambourine. Uh…I think he LOVED that!
Watching the fish being thrown while sitting on the golden pig!
Funny story…a man near us was watching me and was counting the children I had with me…but he didn’t notice that Canon and Matt were with me too. He offered to take a picture of me and my four children. But then when Matt leaned in to be in the photo too the man was offended because he thought Matt was totally photo bombing our pic! He had to re-take the pics because he was intentionally cutting Matt and Canon out of the first one! 🙂 And then we all had a good laugh about it and we got to hear how crazy we were for having FIVE kids instead of FOUR! 🙂

We picked up some foods from our favorite spots and took them over to watch the sun go down on the water.
(Look at Crew’s face in that pic!!! hehehe! I think he must have just woken up!)
I love the way she looks at him.
This kiddo went bonkers for this cheese. After we all ate our snacks Matt and I split up and I took Crew and Canon to walk all the way back to Beechers to get him more of this cheese. He was delighted to say the least. He told the cashier it was just for him! Too bad that sweet moment ended fast…..
Canon and I were walking back to find Matt and the other kids. We were expecting him to pull up in the rental van to pick us up, but instead we heard Matt yelling for us….he and the other kids were running down the sidewalk and screaming to ask me if I had my wallet on me….I answered no but was so confused….until I found out we had been robbed…..
While we were off having a blast and living it up at Pikes Place…someone busted out our rental car window and thought it acceptable to steal my diaper bag. My Coach diaper bag! That bag was one of those gifts from a few years back that was birthday, anniversary and Mother’s Day combined. Boo…..And everything in it is gone too…which meant my wallet…with all of my insurance cards, cash, credit and debit cards…everything. Whoever did this also spent over $1,400 on my credit cards just before we called to cancel them too. We had to wait for a few hours on the side of the street until the police arrived to write up the report.
Thankfully one of the church volunteers came to pick me and the kids up to get us back to the apartment. It was a huge, huge bummer to the trip but I am so thankful none of us were hurt. It’s only “stuff” that can be replaced, right?!