Hi friend,
Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here!
I’m Meg.
Wife to Matt and unexpected mama to seven amazing children.
I’m just a normal girl who loves dressing up every now and then, and dressing my family up too…but I also love my sweat pants and our jammies too.
I used to homeschool all of our kids, am a pastors wife, and am often being reminded that I’ve taken on more than I can handle. Most days I can be found with a messy bun wearing my favorite Target slippers and no matter how hard I try there is always at least one laundry basket full of clothes at the foot of our bed waiting to be folded. I don’t have it all figured out and I’m perfectly okay admitting that.
In this life, we are surrounded by unapologetic, emphatic, repetitive messages claiming that satisfaction, hope, and happiness can be found in things that can be purchased or earned. So often our identities are rooted in our perceived perfection, zip code, how much money we make, what we look like, who we know, what we’ve accomplished, and what kind of car we drive.
But those messages are not true.
I want to be a voice, wherever I am planted, that cuts through the noise and shares grace…the one thing by its very definition can never be earned and yet has already been purchased…by God, for us.
I stay up late most nights when the house is finally dark and quiet…to write. I write, and keep writing, because words matter.
Somehow writing brings my heart back to a place of truth…a place of rest.
Writing, in some ways, has become an act of worship. Words without living by them would be meaningless, nothing more than an obnoxious noise.
Writing convicts me.
Writing keeps me focused.
Writing has become food for my soul.
And my hope is that this space might play a part in helping feed your soul as well.
This small corner of the internet is a creative outlet for me – an ongoing storybook of our lives about the things I love most in life. Sometimes it’s motherhood, marriage, birthday parties, friendships, forgiveness, how I love my oils, communication, getting kids to obey, potty training in one day, DIY projects, celebrating the little things, clothes I love, hair styles I adore, photography, yummy things to eat, tips on living healthy, a fun family outing or a holiday celebration.
But it’s also my little space to share things much richer and more meaningful, the “mattering things” if you will. Things like true peace, real beauty, joy and the grace of God. I write about Jesus and the hope that is only found in Him because there is no hope apart from Him.
I let the vulnerable parts of my life come through too; parts of my journal, stories of my struggles, failures, shortcomings, and weaknesses…the parts that are so tempting to want to hide, but are so freeing to get to share.
Why do I share those things might you ask?
Because honesty about my weakness lends itself to boast in His strength. I don’t have it together…but I know the One who does.
My deepest desire is to be known as a woman who loves Jesus. I want to follow Him, hear Him, run to Him, see Him, enjoy Him, relate with Him, speak of Him and ultimately I want to know Him face to face. And I want the same for you as well.
Sharing about my real life in a raw way is an invitation for you to join me too as vulnerability breeds connection, and connection, encouragement, and encouragement, hope.
This space exists to share, equip, challenge, serve, and encourage you to live out the gospel in your everyday lives. Here you will continue to be reminded of the one and only gospel-truth: faith alone, by grace alone, in Christ alone is fullness of joy.
So, welcome! Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and stay awhile! I hope this is a space where you can exhale and find a friend.