My First Course PRE-LAUNCH!
WOW am I so grateful!!! This has been a dream of mine for over 10 years! Thank you for EVERYONE who has encouraged me and spurred me on! And thank you sooooo very much for the myriad of ways you have supported me and my family. I just do not have the words to express how grateful we are for each one of you!
And today is the day! My first course launch EVER!!!!
*cue the happy tears*

Today we are announcing that my first ever DIGITAL COURSE will be launching in just TWO WEEKS!!!!! Yes! That’s right! On MARCH 21st my first course will be LIVE! AHHH!!!
And do you want to know what it will be about?!?!
*cue more happy tears*

Ya know…I have to be honest…no one wakes up and decides they want to be an expert on potty training. I mean, no one. Certainly not me.
But here’s the thing…when I first started sharing online 8 years ago through my blog and social media, my heart was to be vulnerable and real…and to help, serve and come alongside women, most specifically moms, in any way that was genuinely helpful.
My passion has become learning to find genuine joy and gratitude in the most insignificant, “small” and overlooked places.
I’m not at all ashamed to launch my first course on potty training…because I truly believe our biggest impacts happen in the most unlikely and humble of places…when we get on the floor, in the mess, with those we love.

I never set out to make a name for myself through “building a platform”…I do not boast in anything that I have done or accomplished–my heart has simply been to be courageous to open up our lives to love and serve. That aim has never ever shifted, it was the same then as it is now…and by the grace of God forever will be.
What I’ve discovered these past 8 years is that speaking to, and serving in, the “low” places…the places most moms want to skip over, ignore or avoid…those humble, broken places…is often where the sweetest, most mattering moments happen.
You see, there’s beauty here…in the messy and the undone.

Potty training is exactly that. It’s one of the most dreaded of seasons where many moms (and children) feel extremely vulnerable, anxious, confused, frustrated, fearful or lost.
But that’s where I want to be. I’ll meet you there. And I won’t just show up, I’ll get on the floor with you. I want to breathe life into your soul there…to give you hope, to shift your perspective, to come alongside…and grab fellow mamas by the hand, look you in the eyes and let you know, “there’s beauty here too. You are not alone.”

I must admit, I also get asked about potty training A LOT. Maybe because we’ve done it 7 times…or maybe because I’ve told people I really have thoroughly enjoyed it…and when I share that it makes eyebrows rise every.single.time. (Try telling someone that sometime! You’ll see! haha!)
Truth be told, there’s not a lot of great info out there on potty training…and what we often hear from friends, family, the internet or strangers isn’t ever positive. Potty training gets a really bad rap…and I can completely understand why.
It’s messy. It’s intimidating. It’s gross. It’s dirty. It’s unknown. It’s humbling…
I’m here to change that. I want to flip that script.
Let’s find the lovely in the low places.

My potty training method is not only effective…it’s actually a lot of FUN!
I have a waitlist for my course launch day which will be on MARCH 21st!!!!!!
- You want to save time
- You are a parent or caregiver
- You will need to potty train in the future
- You are looking for potty training guidance
- You want a structured, step-by-step process
- You believe there’s a better way to potty train
- You feel anxious or unsure about how to potty train
- You value effective, research-based, proven methods
- Your toddler is showing signs of readiness for potty training
- You have tried other potty training methods and were unsuccessful
Is it humbling to launch my first course on potty training? Well, sure…it sure is. But I’m also so very proud of what we’ve created!!!
I have NO DOUBT what I am teaching will serve many families. And that is what lights my heart up most.
My personal potty training experiences have repeatedly been some of the sweetest and most special times of my entire motherhood journey…and I want that for other mamas too. I have trained hundreds of moms to potty train their toddlers…and I can’t wait to help hundreds more!

If this sounds like something you’re interested in and have need of then STICK AROUND!!! This course is coming!!!! Be sure to sign up for my waitlist–you’ll have access to early bird pricing and emails
But maybe you’re reading this and you’re not at all in a season with toddlers or nearing potty training in the least…I get that. And if that’s you, THANK YOU for reading this far down!!! I so appreciate you! My guess, though, is even if you are not personally in that season you might know someone who is. If that’s the case, I have a huge favor to ask…
Would you forward this blog post (and maybe just a little bit of my heart) with anyone you can think of that might possibly be interested? That would mean the world to me!

I want you all to know I am so grateful for each of you. Thank you for sticking around when my own life has gotten messy. I hope and pray as our family learns to dream and rebuild again that we can connect in some sweet ways.
And let’s raise a glass to my POTTY TRAINING COURSE!!!!! Thanks so much for celebrating with me!
Click this button to join the waitlist!
Love, Meg