Family Pumpkin Carving
We love fall over here! (Come to think of it, I don’t believe I’ve ever met anyone that doesn’t enjoy fall!)

This year we are limited with what fall activities we can participate in. You see, baby #7 pushed us over the edge as far as car space…and we haven’t yet been able to afford a new vehicle…so we won’t be getting out nearly as much as years past.

So, instead of the pumpkin patch, we had Matt take the older kids over to the local grocery store to pick out their pumpkins this year! And we had a fall family party here at the house instead of out in a field!

We put on our Halloween pajamas, drank apple cider, ate corn dogs, made some popcorn and listened to music…there were no electronics, no phones, and no rush to get anywhere.

I love days like that with nowhere else to be.

And I love watching the kids all react to the icky gross insides of the pumpkins.

It’s funny to me which ones aren’t at all phased by it and which ones just can’t stand it! lol!

How can it be that my boys who can chase frogs in the mud, pick up lizards and think snakes are cool also be disgusted by a few slimy pumpkin seeds???

A couple of the kids worked all afternoon to get their pumpkin just right. Seeing their creativity and watching them grow in their artistic abilities is something I will never get tired of!

We love making memories and creating traditions. I’m always looking to add more to what we already do, so if you do something during the fall season that you just love and want to share it I’d LOVE to know!

(I have always wanted to go pick apples with my kids but in south Texas, I haven’t yet heard of a place…if you happen to be reading this and you know the spot will you let me know???)