Celebrating Fire Prevention Month with First Alert
Thank you First Alert for sponsoring this post. October is National Fire Prevention Month and is the perfect time to gather your family and discuss fire safety.

True story…
It was a Tuesday night…I remember that detail because we literally have Taco Tuesday as often as possible in our home.
I had just taken my youngest son upstairs to give him a bath while Matt finished up dinner. All of a sudden I heard the loudest and most frantic screams and yelling from downstairs. Matt and the kids all at the same time…whatever it is is bad!!!
I ran downstairs as fast as I could, so scared as to what I might find. I flew around the corner into the kitchen and right away I saw fire coming up out of our toaster oven!
In another moment our white wood kitchen cabinets also caught on fire! The kids were screaming, Matt and I were yelling. No one knew what to do.
All we knew about putting a fire out was to use water…but we couldn’t in this case! The toaster oven was still plugged in!
We screamed at the kids to go wait for us in the front yard while Matt and I hurried to keep the flames from climbing any further up the cabinets or reaching the walls.
For a few
We learned a few important things that night…
- We did not own a fire extinguisher!
- Fires can start anytime, anywhere…and we were not at all prepared.
- Taco shells burn extremely easily!
Did you know??? The #1 cause of fires is unattended cooking?
Did you also know that October is National Fire Prevention Month!?

I am so honored to be partnering with First Alert to help families be better prepared when it comes to fire safety.
We all need to have a plan. And we all need to be prepared. And we all need to own a fire extinguisher for crying out loud!!!
Here are a few things I’d like to share with you all when it comes to fire prevention:
- Get a fire extinguisher! Or two or three or four! Keep one your kitchen, one upstairs, one by your grill, one in your garage, another in the laundry room
etc … If you don’t already have them get them now!!!
**Fact: Fire extinguishers should be kept on every level of the home, especially on the main level near the kitchen.

2. Install smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms on every level and in every bedroom of your home.
**A disaster can happen in any room of the house. Smoke alarms provide early warning in the event of an

3. Test your alarms regularly. And change the batteries in those alarms at least every six months. Or for hassle-free protection upgrade to 10- year sealed battery alarms to eliminate battery replacements.

**Important stat: 3 out of 5 home fire deaths occur in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms. Ensure you add protection and test your alarms regularly. Ensure you do not remove your alarms or remove the batteries without replacing them. (Source: National Fire Protection Association).

4. Plan and practice an emergency escape plan with your family! And practice it at least twice a year.
**Tip: Plan two ways out of each room/area of your home and a meeting spot, a safe distance from your home. (mailbox, neighbors home, etc.) That way everyone knows how to exit the home and where to meet.

I want to encourage each of you to use the month of October to gather your family and discuss fire safety. Create a fire safety checklist and add into your home reliable protection you can trust from First Alert.

Click here to download your free First Alert fire safety CHECKLIST
Once you and your family have completed the checklist
Great reminder and thank God no one was seriously hurt. I know this will help others.