meg marie wallace; valentines day

valentine’s day 2017

Our Valentine’s was so happy! In the morning we surprised the kids with their mailboxes from last year stuffed with candy from their Meme and Papa. We made heart shaped pancakes and drank orange juice…and of course I let them eat some of their candy! For our date we had an impromptu photo shoot and…

the lisa braid;

the lisa braid

Step 1: Take a small section of hair on one side (leaving some out in the front) and braid a normal Fishtail Braid. Tie at the end with a clear band. Step 2: Loosen the braid by gently pulling out some of the sections to make it more messy and “undone.” Repeat Step 1 on…

meg marie wallace | rest not resolutions

rest not resolutions

It’s the same every year….this third or fourth week into January…the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I realize once more that my brand new ‘swore-I’d-really-do-it-this-time’ shiny resolutions are beginning to softly slip down the drain. It was all in place a few short weeks ago; the plan to go to bed…