I Didn’t Always Know I Wanted This Many Kiddos! In Fact: I Was Given A “Less Than 0% Chance” To Have Kids Of My Own. Boy, Were Those Doctor’s Wrong! Now, I’m A Mama To SEVEN!
And to spare you having to ask: yes, they’re all mine. Yes, I actually delivered them all myself. no, there are no twins. the closest in age is 12 months apart. There are two more that are 13 months apart. and yes, I do have my hands full!
Never would I have guessed…
the little girl who was afraid to take off her coat in any new setting (and would throw up whenever she got nervous) would one day have the courage to become an author, speaker, and entrepreneur.
Life is funny isn’t it? It takes us down roads we never would have asked for in order for God to do things in our lives we never would have imagined. There are seasons I have been made to wait. And others where I have been kept in the dark. I have been made to sit when I wanted to stand and lie down when I wanted to run…but God…through it all was always at work.
Amidst all of the twists and turns of life, I desire to sink my roots deeper and deeper into the source of Living Water, no matter what winds blow, what heat scorches, or what storms come my way. I want to be known by my fruit. The kind of fruit that only comes from God’s transforming power, abiding in Him.
Most of all, I desire a heart that beats like His: to love people, pursue unity, and to fight for the things that matter most. All we have been through has only made us stronger. And I believe the same for you. Your pain and mine serves a profound purpose – to connect us to God himself in the midst of real life.
I don’t ever, for the rest of my days, want you to forget that God loves you. Once you really do begin to believe that single truth, you’ll experience more joy, contentment, freedom and happiness than you ever knew existed. Through all of our broken stories, unmet expectations and unexpected pain we must trust there is an even bigger plan working out dreams we never knew we wanted. I’m here to help you keep your eyes looking up.
You are loved by God himself who calls you by name.
A Few Little Fun Facts —Cosmo Style, Of Course!
Let’s Take a Look Back Down Memory Lane
Married Matt—Best Decision Ever!
Begin Testing and Infertility Treatments
Informed We Would Never Have Any Children of Our Own
Start Process To Join IMB with Plans to Move to Tanzania, Africa as Missionaries
Shocked the Doctors When I Get Pregnant – Was Told Repeatedly We Would Lose The Baby – Canceled Plans To Move To Africa
Had 4 Kids in 4 Years – Everyone Was Floored
Miscarried a Baby in 2008
Matt completed Seminary/Masters Program
Move Twice In Same Year…the 2nd from NM to CA
Bedrest With Baby #5 for Final 8 weeks of Pregnancy – Almost Delivered at Disney
Welcome Baby #5 Crew (The End of Our “crew” LOL!)
Had 5 Kids in 6 Years
Most Chaotic Season Of Ministry As Matt Leads Mars Hills Huntington Beach, CA Through Location Changes & During The Downfall of Pastor Mark Driscoll
Mars Hill Church Closes
Mars Hill Huntington Beach, CA Closes
Refinished/Sold a Ridiculous Amount of Furniture As a Way to Grieve
Began Counseling to Process & Heal
Launched My Blog on a WordPress Site – Spray Painted My Wedding Dress For a Blog Post
Entered Into Labrada/Lean Body For Her Fitness Contest – Won Popular Vote
Became Fitness Model/Athlete for Labrada with Jaime Eason
Launched Our Church Plant – Cross & Crown Church of Orange
Ran Tinkerbell Half-Marathon
Enjoyed Cross & Crown Church of Orange
Enjoyed All Things California

Went Viral For the First time
Began Writing For the Courage with Kirk Cameron
Began Writing for Focus on the Family, Faithwire, Faithit, etc.
More Articles Go Viral
Signed Contract With My Literary Agent with Plans to Fulfill Childhood Dream of Book Publishing
2nd Miscarriage
Spoke at My first Women’s Event in Scottsdale, AZ – Over 350 People in Attendance
Spoke at Another Women’s Event At Rock Harbor in Costa Mesa, CA
Moved from CA to TX
Most Difficult Pregnancy to Date…Welcomed Baby Cosette With Three Dislocated Ribs & a Cracked Tailbone In Aug
Adopted our Long-Awaited Little Willow Dog – “Our Family Is Complete!” (LOL!)
Was the Keynote Speaker For My First Women’s Retreat
Opened Up Our Little Pink Door Chicken Coop
Saw TX coast for the First Time
Wrote My First Book: With All Joy
Welcomed baby #7, Quinn Haddon, in September
(NOW Our Family Is FINALLY Complete! This Time For Real!)
Began Homeschooling in March Due to the Pandemic
Began our First Home Garden & Broke Ground On Our DIY Pool Deck
Lots of At-Home Workouts
Kai Started Playing Football
Started to Notice Our Sweet Corban’s Health Declining
Spoke at Hope Mommies Retreat for Bereaved Mothers
Finished Work On The Pool Deck
Forgiveness. Picked Up The Pieces. Healing.
Moving forward as a family.
Corban Began New Treatment – Launched Team Corban
Launched First Course – Potty Training In One Day!
Matt Launched Cross & Crown Consulting
Three Kids Broken Bones in Less Than 6 Weeks (With One More In A Splint)
Reconnected with Literary Agent — Began Writing New Book Proposal
Spoke Locally at Numerous Women’s Events
Whole Family Worked at The San Antonio Ice Rink at The Pearl
Signed Contract To Be Fitness Athlete/Legionnaire With 1st Phorm
Re-launch of New Website – Renewed Focus on Serving, Strengthening and Encouraging Women Toward What Matters Most
Continue Speaking At Local Churches and Moms Groups