Focusing on What Truly Matters: Fall Edition
Fall is beautiful. It’s a season rich with loveliness (and symbolism!) that beautifully ties in with so many aspects of the Christian life.
One of my favorite correlations is how the trees let go of their leaves, and it reminds me so tangibly to let go of what is no longer needed too.
Paul speaks of this same idea in 1 Corinthians 9:24 when he asks the question, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.”
As a lifelong runner, I can say with all assurance that no one wants to run a race while also being entangled. Lately, I’ve been running with a 15lb. weight vest and I must say it’s not been easy at all! After my workout is finished I’ll take off the vest and it feels as though I’m floating!

Typically when you run you want to be free of anything that weighs down, disrupts, or causes any additional or unnecessary work.
The same is true of life.
And yet so often we carry things from one season to the next that weigh us down, get us off course or absolutely distract us from what it is that matters most. Maybe it’s time to let go, take off the weight that is keeping you from freedom?
My prayer for you and I this fall is to let go of past hurts, unforgiveness, and worldly attachments (Philippians 3:13-14). Who is it that has hurt you or caused you harm and you are having a hard time forgiving? What did that person do that you just cannot seem to get over? What is that thing you need to stop doing? What do you know is weighing you down, or holding you back, that you aren’t supposed to be carrying anymore?
What is it for you?
Fear and Anxiety
Doubt and Lack of Confidence
Past Mistakes/Regrets
Comfort Zones/Worldly Pleasures
Negative Influences/Poor Relationships
Procrastination/Lack of Discipline
Comparison and Envy
Lack of Clear Goals/Direction
Spiritual Dryness
Sin and Disobedience
This idea of letting go is absolutely essential for spiritual growth. When we hold onto things we know we need to be letting go of it robs us of the ability to focus on what God has in store for us.
September brings not just a change in weather but an opportunity to refocus and reset our priorities, aligning them toward what matters most. It’s a reminder of the rhythm of seasons in our lives. If your life is like mine the schedules and to-do lists are ramping up by the minute, but I want to encourage you and I both to make the time to slow down, reflect, and be intentional to reset.

In our busy lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of responsibilities, distractions, and to-do lists. But what would it look like to face the things we are trying to ignore and be intentional to let go of anything that hinders our race?
What is it that is entangling you? What’s holding you back? What do you need to set down to live in a way that aligns with your deepest desires?
Here are some ways to embrace this season with purpose and focus on what truly matters:
1. Deepen Your Relationship with God
Intentional living starts with rooting ourselves in our faith. When life gets busy we often pass over the very thing that will truly sustain us. Daily time with the Lord through prayer, reading the Bible, and reflecting on His word is critical, especially in busy seasons. Whether it’s five minutes in the morning or a couple of longer moments before bed, the intentional desire to connect with Him can set the tone for your entire day. A genuine connection with the Lord is our truest lifeline.
C.S. Lewis puts it this way:
“Put first things first and we get second things thrown in: put second things first and we lose both first and second things.”
When we keep first things first, everything else is just icing. To run our races well means connecting to the source of all of life as our primary aim.
2. Practice Gratitude Daily
Gratitude shifts our perspective from what we lack, or desire, to recognizing the abundance that already exists in our lives. What feels undone to you? Where are you wrestling with what is not yet? What hope hasn’t happened yet? What are you still holding out for?
Turn your gaze instead to what you DO have and set your mind, attention, and focus there. Maybe you could start a gratitude journal with your family and write down the things you’re thankful for each day. From the little joys like a protein cold brew coffee (my fav!) to the smell of all things cinnamon & pumpkin, to good health, or an answered prayer take time to thank the Lord for every gift. Cultivating a heart of gratitude keeps us grounded in the present and reminds us of God’s goodness, even, dare I say especially, in challenging times or changing seasons.
3. Serve Others with a Generous Heart
Living intentionally means looking beyond ourselves to find ways to serve others. Whether it’s volunteering somewhere, helping a neighbor, or simply showing kindness in your daily interactions, serving others is a powerful way to reflect God’s love.
The reality is we reflect the Lord, we mirror Him. Our words, kindness, and love can show someone tangibly what the Lord is like. We can’t look at this lightly. What an invitation that is! To be able to show people who God is through our lives and interactions!
It doesn’t have to be big—small acts of kindness can have a huge impact. Maybe it’s dropping off some coffee, taking someone a meal, or sending an encouraging text. Ask the Lord to give you the names of those who need your love today. Look for ways to bless those around you, and watch how your own heart is filled in the process.
4. Nurture Your Relationships
Fall is a time to reconnect with loved ones. Maybe you haven’t seen your fellow school mamas all summer, or you are back near extended family after being away for the summer. Maybe your neighbors were traveling or your family was out of town. Make the time to reach out to loved ones to pursue meaningful conversations, and be present with the people who matter most to you.
I’m currently in a season of really narrowing down those I connect with regularly so I can give more of myself to a few instead of less of myself to many. Who are those names for you? Who comes to mind to go deeper with?

Relationships are one of God’s greatest gifts, we need one another! And nurturing them in this season will bring new encouragement, vulnerability, greater friendship, and life!
If there are strained relationships in your life, consider taking steps toward forgiveness. Forgiveness does not equate to reconciliation so it’s important to know the difference. Life is too short to hold onto grudges—let’s choose peace, kindness, and love instead.
5. Embrace Rest and Reflection
In a world that glorifies busyness, rest is truly an act of faith. Choose a day to unplug and prioritize resting WITH those you love, not just away from them. Intentionally mark days off on your calendar to set aside time to truly rest, recharge, and reflect on God’s goodness. Disconnect from the noise—turn off your phone, step away from the demands, and simplybe still. Rest is essential for our souls, and it’s a reminder that we are not defined by our productivity but by our identity as God’s children.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a renowned German pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi dissident (thank you to the internet from who I borrowed the concise and thorough bio on him!) wrote extensively about faith, discipleship, and the nature of good works in the Christian life. Bonhoeffer spoke clearly about the relationship between faith, grace, and good works, emphasizing that our salvation is not earned by works but is a gift of God’s grace. He writes,
“We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.” (From The Cost of Discipleship.)
Good works do not save us, rather it is true faith that produces good works as a response to God’s grace. The works are not the cause of salvation but the evidence of a transformed life rooted in the confidence of God’s love and grace.
Friends, I want to assure you it’s okay to rest. Lay down the many good works you are set to do this fall and focus first on God’s unconditional love and the finished work of Christ.
6. Live Simply and With Contentment
Life can feel chaotic at times. The counterweight to chaos is simplicity. This fall choose ways to intentionally simplify. Focus on what truly matters and let go of what doesn’t. Imagine your life at the ending. What legacy are you leaving? What impact do you hope to have? What is MOST important when you consider your LAST day, not just today?
Maybe it’s decluttering your home, streamlining your schedules, or cutting back on distractions…those are all wonderful things…but maybe it’s more than that. Maybe it’s also about putting INTO our lives what matters most.
Simplifying creates space for what’s important. It’s about choosing contentment over comparison, joy over perfection, and trust over worry. Ultimately it’s about enjoying the rest that comes in God’s unending love over our best efforts to perform. God provides for all our needs, and when we live with a heart of contentment, we experience a peace that surpasses ALL understanding.
How can we move our hearts to keep Jesus at the center of our season? Set your intentions now and begin to let go of whatever it is that is entangling you.

Running the race marked out for us isn’t having a perfect plan or doing everything right; it’s about making small, daily choices that align with our deepest values of faith. It’s about prioritizing God, people, and purpose over the endless noise of this season.
This fall, let’s commit to slowing down, being present, and focusing on what truly matters. Whether it’s throughdeepening our relationship with God, serving others, nurturing our relationships, or embracing rest, let’s choose to live with purpose and intention. As we do, we’ll not only find greater joy and peace but also draw closer to the One who holds all things together.
So, what will you focus on this fall? Let’s walk this journey together, keeping our hearts aligned with God’s heart and our lives centered on what truly matters. 🍂🌿✨